7 archangel sigil (seals of the 7 planets and the 7 Olympian spirits by Agrippa, 7 alchemical metal signs, the elements of matter, the cardinal points and the seasons of the 4 Archangels)
Metatron sigil (aka Enoch Sigil or Metatron Cube)
Rose Cross Wheel
72 guardian angel sigils
88 angelic Zibu signs
The stitching chart suggests 4 colors, and includes 6 color schemes for white and back fabric. The pattern is optimised for monochrome blackwork as well.
Design area is 270×400 stitches, 19.5’x29′
Grid size is 290×420 stitches, 21’x30.5′
The individual sigils are accompanied with a frame that you can use for a framed project
Join any time! All released charts are available upfront.
You may also use individual sigil designs for fast gift projects. Every sigil is associated with a guardian angel to protect and guide you.
The Archangel Sigils Sampler 140×140 stitches, 10’x10′ 4 archangel sigils, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel, and Metatron Sigil)
The Archangel Sigils Day Clock: 200×200 stitches, 14.5’x14.5′ 7 archangel sigils (Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Camael, Sachiel, Anael, Cassiel), and their seals of the 7 planets and the 7 Olympian spirits by Agrippa, 7 alchemical metal signs, plus the elements of matter, the cardinal points and the seasons of the 4 Archangels)
Who sees God
Planet: Mars. Zodiac: Aries & Scorpio.
Day of week: Tuesday
Covering of God
Planet: Jupiter. Day of week: Thursday
Zodiac: Sagittarius & Pisces.
Joy of God
Planet: Venus. Zodiac: Taurus & Libra.
Day of week: Friday
Speed of God
Planet: Saturn. Day of week: Saturday
Zodiac: Capricorn & Aquarius.
72 Guardian Angel Sigils
Every guardian angel sigil includes the name of the angel, the name meaning, the angelic signature, the Rose Cross sigil, the planetary and the Zodiac signs.